We've got a new management team and some updates to our board.
Top 10 Vital yet Hilarious Tips for Players Before a Game. From hangovers to pre game footwear and everything in-between.
Explore how WhatsApp groups transform football teams, fostering unity, efficiency, and success off-field dynamics.
We've had a few changes to our squad recently, so here's a wrap up.
Discover how Sunday League football offers camaraderie, fitness, and fun, boosting mental health in a friendly, supportive environment.
Presenting our new away kit to Lisa Thompson-Cox from Sheffield Flourish.
We're super excited to share our brand new pink away kit...
We're delighted to present our home shirt sponsor for 2022-23 onwards.
SSHAFC is please to adopt and promote the FA policies and guidelines.
You're going to have to do the leg work here, but we believe in you.